Feb 7, 2009

Humble Beginnings

What better way to begin than with a poetry (of sorts :D)

I Wonder...

I wonder if five years from now,
I'll consider "X-Men".
A better comic than "Batman"?
They both rocked my world,
But "X-Men" had the Wolverine!!
On the other hand,
Was Wayne THE Dark Knight!!

I wonder why girls smell better than boys
They do, you know, it's a fact
A girl can go three days without taking a shower,
And she still smells like a rose,
But a guy, well, five minutes after a shower,
He needs another one
It's really not fair when you think about it

I wonder why cats generally don't like dogs,
But dogs generally like cats
It's true, I've seen it my whole life
Dogs will love and lick all over a cat,
But a cat just kinda gives the dog a blank stare,
And suffers through it, and then hides all day
Said cat will also throw up in your shoe for revenge

I wonder why I like video games so much
Granted, my life is pretty boring,
And games give me a shot at world domination,
And failing that, I can always go shoot someone
But still I wonder sometimes if I'm having fun,
Or if I'm just doing it to pass the time
And these two lines will be this poem's only rhyme

I wonder why "Transformers" aren't real,
Cause that would seriously kick ass
Well, not so much for the poor fools who get killed,
But for the rest of us, it would kick ass
What's not to like?
Robots from another planet who can change shape and form,
Who have awesome weapons and blow shit up, it rocks

I wonder why in the hell I am writing this,
I'm guessing I'm really freakin bored,
And "Big Bang Theory, The" doesn't come on for another hour
But, "Who's Line" is on, I think,
So maybe I'll go watch that

I wonder what everyone will think of this

-- Yeda

inspired by - th3krimzon1